The Company's three divisions: Religion, Corporation, and Government The Company's three products: Guilt, Greed, and Fear. The Company Strategy: Jealousy The Company Goal: Ruin

Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Company: Introduction

The company is the architect of Slavethink. That is, the mental system that allows them to control you on the most fundamental level. What you want. The first illusion is free will. The idea that you have absolute control over your desires or that they are somehow innate to your personal being. This is not totally true.

If they admit that want can be shaped, then they must accept responsibility for shaping it.

I'm sure by now if you've read any of my work you've found references to “The Company” or the big three.

The Company is my short hand for the primary three institutions that profit from centralized compartmentalized society.

The Company is composed of three main sections which have adapted themselves to exploit three primary negative emotions. These groups, along with their primary emotional domain are listed below in no particular order.

1.Government: Fear
2.Religion: Guilt
3.Corporation: Greed

The Company as a whole also has an emotional domain; Jealousy. Government creates jealousy of those with power. Religion creates jealousy of those with privilege. Corporation creates jealousy of those with wealth.

The Company operates on deception, and reverse psychology. If it wants to pollute the world it will create a clean world act, if it wants you to breed like bunnies and focus on sex, it will tell you sex is a sin, if it wants you to spend money it will tell you the more you spend the more you save.

The company is adept at humiliation. If you reject any portion of the company you must embrace another, if you reject them all you're attacked. If you reject Government forcefully enough you'll be physically attacked and detained. If you reject Religion you'll be socially ostracized, if you reject Corporation you'll be denied creature comfort.

Each of these organisms share two primary traits. They are immortal, and they require humans to exist.
Humans are not immortal, yet. Humans or most open to suggestion as children. This means that the Company as a whole has a very strong interest in family and children.

You can see this if you'll look for it. Children are at the whim of parents. Parents are created as a result of sex. Sex as a result is also extremely important to the Company.

Humans when grouped efficiently become more intelligent then the individuals that comprise the group because they have the opportunity to exploit strengths and suppress weaknesses. The resulting groups can be put to enormously effective use with regard to serving humanity.

But as for a group to be effective, it must first exist, so naturally when decisions arose which forced the group to decide which was more important a human or the group, they chose the group.

This caused among other things, fear. Humans saw that the group could and would destroy them under certain conditions. And humans had survived thus far by exploiting some conditions and suppressing others.
So, some humans began to study the group as an organism and found that it like any other organism was structured. It had to have parts. To use an analogy it had a body, and that body had organs and the organs were single, or small groups of, people.

So they endeavored to join or replace those people or persons. But often times the core purpose of the group was to protect people, not only from exterior threat but interior ones. So, the only available weapon was the action of the group.

Kings quickly learned of the threat from below. They also learned that in order to rule they needed to give the ruled a reason to obey. The various methods devised to accomplish this gave birth to the company.

Fear, of punishment, Guilt of disobedience, and Greed for rewards. Jealousy of the unpunished, Jealousy of the permission, jealousy of rewards.

Punishment, Obedience, Reward. Where do we first learn these concepts? Childhood. A child's life is defined by them and this is no accident. In the beginning the world was our parent. The group we devised to help us with survival and happiness became our parent, and soon we were on our own again with regard to survival and happiness.

The group became self aware. The group now has its own happiness and survival to look after, it has forgotten us. Just as we have forgotten our cells.

The company's primary tool to control us is sex. Some say its fear, but fear only ends a single life. Fear is death and torture and humiliation. But thats only one life time. Death means nothing to an organism that is immortal, pain means nothing to an organism without nerves, humiliation means nothing to an organism without peers.

The only thing that matters to the Company is Life and the creation of it. It must shape the life on which it lives as much as we shape the cells on which we life. The difference between us and it is that our cells are not sentient.

Thus, sex is more important then death. Fear and pain to the Company. Sex is related to all four emotional domains. Sex produces children, and allows the company to imprint upon them whatever it wants.

The Company is aware of its origins. It remembers the primeval time of clan-families, where sex was shared like food, not among family member of course usually but among the member of the clan certainly. It's aware of how strong those bonds were, of how ferociously those clans fought and died and built and struggled. It remembers a time when the people would say to hell with the group, to hell with the rules, when following the rules meant destroying a clan mate. It has the scars still. That is as close to fear as it gets.

Death for the company is change. Death for the company is freedom for the individual. You can feel this when you see a movie about a guy on an island with plenty to eat. This is why we love Lost so much and all other forms of media that hint at life without the company bearing down on us. This is why people like me cling to futurism, because soon I wont need the company to survive and be happy. This is why the company fears technology. And makes sure that it's either, classified, sinful, or prohibitively expensive.

A tumor is a rogue organ forming that has no function from the perspective of the larger organism. Imagine however if you knew that tumors grew into babies. Would you still cut them out? If you had to choose between it or you, which would you pick?

This is the decision the company has made again and again. It decided long ago to always cut, always kill. A scar is better then death. And the less cells that fight the smaller the scar. The less cells that band together in the first place the smaller the scar. Hell, says the company, lets just make people not band together unless we have control of it.

The Company doesn't want us to care for each other, because that leads to new companies. Companies more friendly to its hosts. Companies which may kill the old company because of support from it's host.

The Company as we've discussed is heavily interested in sex. And like everything else in nature seeks the path of least resistance. Humanity like all other mammals operates on the chooser chosen sexual model, with women being the chooser and men begin the chosen. The company exploits this.

Each facet of The Company seeks to subjugate women because to subjugate one is to subjugate the other. Women also have the unique ability to supply infinite pleasure, and produce new humans as a result. This make women absolutely dangerous to the company. This is why the company seeks to reduce them to commodities. And as any ruler knows, if a choice between the stick and the carrot comes up, use both. If you use the stick you have to be there to swing it, if you use the carrot you'll soon run out of carrots. If you use both, the mule will walk till it drops.

Thus the company seek to inspire via sex, using women as its primary tool. Turning its greatest threat into its greatest asset. It's turned women into girls and girls into objects.

If you are a man it wants you to fear that she'll reject you, it wants you to feel guilt for what you've done to her, to get her, and for her, and it wants you to feel greed for what she can give you. It wants you to feel jealous of the man with the prettier girl. It wants you jealous of what that man is allowed to do with his girl. It wants you jealous of the man with the nice house and car which attracts pretty girls.

If you are a woman it wants you to behave like a child. It wants you to look like a child. It wants you to act like a child and think like a child. It wants you petty and greedy and cruel and simple. It wants you seen and not heard. It wants you afraid, guilt ridden, and greedy. It wants you to be the carrot on a stick. The impossible to reach high score that keeps everyone else playing. It wants you to feel ugly, and alone, and helpless.

I'm trying to help you people and the majority of you hate me or laugh at me for it.

Edit: For more, see here.


  1. You say that: "Humanity like all other mammals operates on the chooser chosen sexual model, with women being the chooser and men begin the chosen."

    Can you expand on this. Who says that women must be "the choosers" and men "the chosen" ?

  2. Thank you for your interest first of all.

    The link below should answer your question, or at least lead to an answer.

    It will lead you to tons more.

    If you are asking my opinion, it can be found scattered in my other blogs.

    A quick example would be prom.

    Sure, both sexes do some asking, but which side does the most?




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