The Company's three divisions: Religion, Corporation, and Government The Company's three products: Guilt, Greed, and Fear. The Company Strategy: Jealousy The Company Goal: Ruin

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Why don't they help? Bullies and Victims.

I always wondered as a child, I knew why my parents didn't help, they weren't in the building, in fact the school system seemed to do its level best to obfuscate or distort the realities of school whenever possible. They were as powerless as I was.

Thus it fell to the system itself, and its various cronies, from the hall patrol to the principal. Monsters who I even in my early years understood could not be actively trying to hurt me. They were probably as powerless as I, but powerless against what? That was the question.

Who is the real enemy here? And more importantly how do I kill it?

Explaining to myself, why my protection was not a priority, is what lead to my tenure as an informal philosophy, sociology, economics, and anthropology student.

The question was at the time was... Why are aggressors typically allowed to function while defense in kind from typically passive people is not? If the behavior itself is not the issue, and the source of the behavior is, what is the real goal? Since the stated goal of stopping all violence as a matter of policy was obviously bogus.

The answer, while somewhat cliché and conspiratorial, is backed by mountains of evidence both anecdotal and empirical. Which I will happily provide on any single point.

The answer is that typically, those in a position to bully are under control from a social standpoint, be they the simple minded atavistic thug, to the casually brutal Alpha male. Each is snared by The Company's control trifecta: Greed, Fear, and Guilt.

Typically The Company only needs one to rule a person, and once you are ruled certain behaviors become indicators. Greed for example, Greed is demonstrated by a lust for power, and that manifests in children as power struggles and bullying. A bully sees power as the ability to inflict pain, they live in a sensational world not much larger than any given setting they physically stand in and can draw in with the senses.

The bullied introvert typically lives in a world far more cerebral, abstract, and large. The size of the world and its problems in terms of both scale and variety instantly inspires fear. The overwhelming uncontrollability of reality shocks the introverted mind, while the bully goes about his or her business blissfully ignorant of the existential predicament they and all others stand mired in. The introvert's reaction to fear is typically passivity, a desire to slide under the radar, avoid notice, and do as one is told, often coupled with fantasies of future potency to offset current impotence. Delusions of future reward which make them diligent and naive workers.

When the bully and the introvert collide they engage in a dance as old as the fist, the introvert seeks ways of avoiding the bully, and the bully seeks ways of asserting authority. The bully becomes the center of the introvert's fearful world, a bogeyman that represents horror both existentially vague and personally specific.

This is where the answer comes in. As with a cornered rat, eventually flight fades as an option especially in a setting where one is typically not allowed real exit, such as school. In time and with sufficient pressure the fear of the future is crushed by the weight of the present and the introvert attacks the bully, thus attacking the avatar of his own fear.

The introvert typically has very little greed, having accustomed himself to the social leftovers, learning how to subsist on very little, and learning that great joy can be found in things of little social value, things people don't fight over. (like books, and other cerebral pursuits) The introvert also knows that he or she has absolutely nothing to feel guilty about. The introvert knows better than most that this attack was completely unprovoked in terms of direct behavior response. “What are you lookin at?” or the adult prison equivalent “You eye ballin me?”

And finally we have our answer. The reason they let it go on until you stand up. The reason the bully slides away and you get detention or worse. The reason the system itself becomes the bully.

Because the introvert who finally stands up is now free of The Company and its wretched trifecta. Guilt, Greed, and now finally Fear, are all gone. Suddenly an uncontrollable and unpredictable element now stands firmly behind enemy lines, like a trustee that loses interest in special privileges in exchange for obedience and decides to crush that which he has served.

People like that change lives for the better, and that gain is always The Company's loss. The Company needs you scared, and ravenous, and ashamed else you might just realize it needs you more than you need it. And time is on your side.

When you shed these things you shed a leash that was born the day the first shaman told the first lie and ate better as a result.

That's why don't help.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Public Servants: Introduction

I don't hate police or solders, generally I just see them as harmful. Also understand that I see selfless actions as myth. All willful behavior is governed by self interest.

I respect the concept of a person willing to risk self harm to protect another, and anyone who signs up for police or other public services with this as their primary source of satisfaction have my deep respect. But odds are they have been fooled, used, or manipulated.

Fundamental facts of the law enforcement and public service systems.

ostensibly it is there to protect the citizens from violence and the like but you need to understand that a person is not a citizen, a citizen is a person who acts within the confines of action as laid down by the state. A person is only protected by the police until his actions be they harmful to persons or not, are threatening to the state.

Actions threaten persons are illegal inly incidentally in that a citizen is usually a person, and a person is usually a citizen. Exceptions being those who act in contravention of the states interests, IE criminals, or Corporations who are citizens, IE individuals who act in accordance with the wishes and limits of the state to the best of the states knowledge and who have rights and properties, but are not persons.

Thus, the police are there ultimately to protect citizens and the state, not people.

The same is true of soldiers and every other “public servant” who recognizes the supremacy of national security. This confusion between persons and citizens is the primary tool the state uses to convert persons with protective instincts into public or state servants.

Thank you for your time.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Art with a purpose.

Depicts 32,000 Barbies, equal to the number of elective breast augmentation surgeries performed monthly in the US in 2006.

Found here...

Brilliant. The plastic bottle thing is awesome also. Nothing like turning women into products for fun and profit. But if they think they want it, is it really exploitation?

Breast augmentation is another issue that will be nullified by my final solution.

Monday, August 4, 2008


Have you never wondered why bullying is tolerated in school?

It'd quite simple really, and like a great many other basic social truths would become glaringly apparent to all were the fear of change removed.

Bulling is not attacked systematically in school with any degree of sincere effort because quite simply our entire society is based on bullying.

Every Facet of The Company and thus 99.994% of our society is based on coercion of the weak by the strong.

The people with the guns run the world, the people with the beds and the grain stores run the world and we obey them because they are bigger and they can hurt us. Its that simple. To teach children to not tolerate bullying would in effect make them terrorists by the contemporary American definition. It would make them activists.

The school allows the football god to screw teen cheer leaders and beat up the chess club kids because that's exactly what they want children to learn. Tolerance for oppression, and an ability to rationalize any horror while continuing to work and do as they're told.

I personally think that's simply fucking evil, but I also know that you're unprepared to attack this system at its root because you're nice and addicted to their product. Probably tons of them. From gasoline, to your spouse's behaviors related to their gender role.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Liberation and Illusions: Sex and Love.

To those bright and beautiful young women who have dedicated their lives to self expression and claim recent sexual liberation. If you're still a monogamous person, you're still part of the plan. If you've rejected the yolk of monogamy and its diamond studded gold plated shackle-symbol, if you've learned to master your fear and jealousy, if you have opened your heart to the wonders of love for the species instead of breaking its back so it will fit in the box sold to you by The Company, if the words whore and slut make you chuckled to yourself with irony because you see their true purpose, then this article is not for you.

But if you suddenly think you're free because a sexual inhibition has dropped away for whatever reason, and you still think romantic love exists and somehow is tied to one person and one person only out of six and a half billion, this article is for you.

You're no more free than you were before, you've just changed target demographics.

You're a different product now, little else. It's going to take a more fundamental shift for you to leave the shelf entirely.

There is a great deal of freedom in being the chooser sex. You've just found a new way to express a perfectly acceptable freedom. Sure you might get dirty looks from the right wing elderly women's auxiliary for your new found freedom, but you're still helping the same order of things that funds those people's lives.

You're no more a revolutionary in this sense, then the rock god who cuts himself on stage. Sure its “out there” but still well in hand.

Imagine being a CIA hitman, you can eat drink sleep and even kill how you want because no matter what you do, you're still part of the program. Once a solider always a solider. The same applies to you. No matter what you aren't, so long as you are attainable, so long as you are product, so long as you are hot and monogamous, they own you. Its that simple. And thats why they all hate me.

You speak of sexual freedom and still draw a line between it and love. You claim sexual liberation but obviously love IS sex, since you have to have been willing to fuck the person you “love” at least at some point. Or else we're talking about family and friend love which is a whole other department, one of greed and fear, not lust. If sex were not love, and love were not sex, gay marriage would be a non-issue.

Your focus on self expression and the arts keeps your view local, which is exactly what they want. Yes you have the right to self expression and self awareness is good, but it doesn't stop there. You must look up from your own body and your own needs and see people not as merely objects that relate to you but see them for what they are... They Are You.

No, your man bought your”love” from The Company with a thousand truths and a thousand lies, he caught you off guard, and now you're shackled as they all are. And he gets to bed you and we all know it and he and ONLY he gets to bed you and I'm sure he's got a job or a trust fund, I'm sure he plays by the rules which tells all of us who want or need you that maybe if we play by the rules, maybe if we too submit with equal or greater vigor we'll be rewarded with a Company Doll.

If you don't like that you have to shed your jealousy and fear. You have to learn to share and learn to live alone. The great irony being that once you're truly a stand alone organism, free of guilt and fear, love will close the distance between you and it like a bolt of lightning and a tree.

Your delusion of sexual liberation guarantees your obedience. As the old story of the elephant and the rope tells us, while you may actually be free, you now choose to stay in your circle.

Sex is a human right,deifying sex is exactly what they want. They have struggled for a thousand years to make sex the end all be all, for two reasons, they can control who gets it with simple advertising and its an infinitely renewable resource.

One of the more evil consequences of this social system is rape. Rape is sex being taken from you by people who are hyper-sexualized and trained to link sex with power in the same way a starving chimp links food with power.

The bottom line is you profit too much from this arrangement to truly challenge it. But I'm sure like the imagined bad guy they all accuse me of being, if I'm not already one of them in your mind, you'll write this sentiment off to ignorance, or stupidity.

Your sex has always been a private party, and The Company has always sold the tickets.

If you truly want out, the way is in my work. Learn to share, and sell. Shed fear and jealousy and greed.

But none of you want out do you, because this prison has cable, great food, and leather furniture.



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